Links to other related sites
General Links
General links, mainly to do with more than one region, as well as general humour and fun sites.
Geordie Links
Links associated with the Geordie dialect; sites dedicated to Newcastle and its culture; pronounciation guides...
Scouse Links
Links associated with the Scouse dialect; sites and listserves dedicated to Liverpool and its culture.
Ali G Links
Links associated with the Ali G and his show.
Cockney Links
Links associated with Cockney Rhyming Slang; sites dedicated to the Cockney region and its culture and attractions.
Yorkshire Links
Links associated with the Yorkshire dialect; sites dedicated to the Yorkshire region and its culture. Also a few links to Chicken Run related sites.
Scottish Links
Links associated with the Scottish dialect; sites dedicated to Scotland and its culture.
Brummie Links
Links associated with the Brummie dialect; sites dedicated to Birmingham and its culture.
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